The term management has been defined in various words with various persons. So it is difficult to find out any uniformity among them. Thus, according to all views management is define as planning, organization, staffing, leading and controlling. Management is also a discipline, which involves the study of certain principles and practices.
In the view of Mary Parker Follet : ''management is the art of getting things done through people''.However, Theo Haimanm has analyzed the term management in three different concepts which are listed below:
(1) Management as a Noun:
When management is used as a noun, it refers to all managerial personnel of an organization who have policy making supervisory for achieving organizational goals. It consists of Board of Directors, Managing Director, General Manager, Department Heads, Supervisors, etc.
(2) Management as a Discipline:
When management is used as discipline, it refers to a specialized branch of human knowledge, which involves the study of principles and practices of management. The popularity of management as a discipline can be judged from the heavy rush for admission into the institutes imparting education and training in management.
(3) Management as a Process:
When management as a process, it refers to the series of interrelated functions. They are performed by managers to make productive use of materials and human resources. Thus management is the process of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling the efforts of organizational members to accomplish the objectives of an organization.
Characteristics of Management
The characteristics of management are as follows:
(1) Management is Goal-Oriented
Management is a means of achieve predetermined goals. All managerial activities are systematically directed in the accomplished of such goals. Without any goal management has no justification of existence. The basic goal of management is to maximize efficiency and economy of human efforts. Hence management is goal-oriented.
(2) Management is a Group Activity
Management generally refers to group efforts. When there is an organized group of people working to meet a goal management is required. A group can easily and effectively attain a goal rather than an individual.
(3) It is a Distinct Process
Management is a distinct process performed to accomplish organizational goals by the use of human and material resources. The main function of Manager is '' not to do'' but to get things done through others.
(4) Management is a Universal Activity
Management is required in every type of business. Where there is human activity there is management. Hence it is universal activity.
(5) Management is an Integrating Process
The essence of management is integrating of human and other resources for effective performance. It integrates men, machines and materials for carrying out the operations for achieving the stated goals. The responsibility of management is welding the three factor men, methods and machinery into a single working factor.
(6) Management is a Social Process
Management is a social process because it consists of getting things done through others. This involves dealing with people. The efforts of human beings have to be directed, coordinated and regulated by management. Moreover, management has a social obligation to make optimum use of scare resources fir the benefit of the community as a whole.
(7) Management is Both Science and Art
Management is a science because it has developed certain principles that are of universal application. It is also an art because the results of management depend upon the personal skill of managers. The art of manager is essential to make the best use of management sciences. Hence, it is both science and art.
(8) Management is a Multidisciplinary Discipline
Management draws knowledge and concepts from other disciplines such as economics, psychology, sociology, statistics, operations research, etc. Management integrates the ideas and concepts taken from other disciplines and uses them in managing the organization.
(9) Management is Dynamic
Management is a dynamic function and it has to be performed continuously. It operates in an ever-changing enviroment. Management adapts itself to environmental changes and also introduces innovation in methodology.
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